12 LLM Tools to Help You Build LLM Applications

Here is our short list of LLM tools for any LLM stack, including application development, model serving, chatbots, vector databases, and more.
Walter Budzian
Jul 15, 2024

A Guide to Function Calling in OpenAI

OpenAI function calling extends the capabilities of large language models by providing them with tools for calling external APIs and applications.
Walter Budzian
Jul 12, 2024

Prompt Engineering Examples and Techniques

Learn about prompt engineering examples and techniques for designing clear AI requests. Get the best LLM outputs with our list of practical tips and strategies.
Walter Budzian
Jul 11, 2024

Understanding LangChain Runnables

Learn about LangChain runnables, how they work, and when best to use them. We also contrast runnables with Mirascope's pythonic chaining techniques.
Walter Budzian
Jul 10, 2024

Prompt Chaining in AI Development

Prompt chaining is a way to simplify large, complex prompts by breaking them down into smaller prompts, each making their own separate LLM call.
Walter Budzian
Jun 5, 2024

8 Prompt Engineering Best Practices and Techniques

Following prompt engineering best practices helps you elicit accurate and reliable responses from the LLM. Here are 8 best practices with examples.
Walter Budzian
May 31, 2024